What is home-based care?
Home-based care offers various treatment and rehabilitation services to patients with different conditions. Experienced nurses will provide care at your home.
Home-based service can be used on a single occasion, as well as long-term. Various available services include:
- Nurse or nurse’s assistant for as long as you need;
- Transfusion;
- Injection;
- Pressure ulcer management;
- Tracheal care and cleaning;
- Nasogastric intubation;
- IV injection;
- Urinary bladder catheterization;
- Wound management;
- Oxygen delivery;
- Inhalation;
- Enema;
- Newborn care/bathing;
- Calling the doctor when needed.
Who can use this service?
This service can be utilized by anyone in need of professional nurse assistance.*
Why choose EVEX home-based care service?
Home-based service allows you to receive highly qualified nurse assistance at your home. You will not need to ensure transportation for the nurse, nor provide medical materials for them.
How can I call for a nurse?
For home-based care, please call: 2 55 05 05 or *05 05
* home based medication treatment can only be received based on the doctor’s prescription.