Universal Insurance

Beneficiaries, who enjoy the Universal Healthcare Program, can be registered in the polyclinics of EVEX Medical Corporation and get 70% - 100% financing for:
  • Consultation of a family doctor and specialists;
  • Laboratory and diagnostic analysis;
Besides, the Corporation offers beneficiaries 30% discount till the end of the year for medical services, which are not covered by the insurance.  

You can apply the Universal Healthcare State Program in the following EVEX polyclinics:
  • Saburtalo polyclinic, Vazha-Pshavela av. 40
  • Isani polyclinic, Ketevan Tsamebuli av. 69
  • Gldani polyclinic, I mc/d, adjoining to cartographic factory
  • Varketili polyclinic, Javakheti st. 30
  • Mtatsminda polyclinic, V.Vekua st. 3
  • Didi Digomi polyclinic, I. Petritsi st. 16
  • Didube polyclinic, A. Tsereteli av. 141a
  • Diagnostic center, P. Kavtaradze st. 23
Upon registration in EVEX polyclinics, the beneficiaries will get 10-lari voucher of GPC or Pharmadepo pharmacy network, within the Universal Healthcare Program.