
Liver Transplantation

What are living donor liver transplants?

Living donor liver transplants require a major operation to remove a portion of a healthy person’s liver and insert it into a person with a sick liver. Liver transplants are the treatment of choice during End Stage Liver Diseases (ESLD). ESLD are a high-priority issue for the World Health Organisation due to the high rates of morbidity and mortality associated with the diseases worldwide. According to official statistics, ESLD cause about 2,500 deaths annually in the US. The number of patients needing liver transplants is increasing.
The main goal of liver transplants is to increase life expectancy and the quality of life of ESLD patients. Several internationally acknowledged standards need to be met to be eligible for a liver transplant. The criteria need to be assessed by a team of qualified professionals.

Who needs a liver transplant?

Any patient suffering from liver cirrhosis who is assessed to have a life expectancy of less than a year should be considered for a transplant. The severity of liver disease is graded from A to C. Usually, all Grade C and most grade B patients are candidates for a transplant.

Our hospital’s advantages:

  • High-tech liver ICU
  • New infrastructure and comfortable environment
  • Up-to-date treatment approaches and technologies
  • Latest technology and facilities
  • ISO 9001:2015 certified clinical laboratory
  • Well-trained, experienced and dedicated doctors and para-medical staff
  • Patient-centered and safe medical care

Who can be a liver donor?

For liver transplants, organ donors and recipients should be relatives, and this needs to be proved with identification cards or birth or marriage certificates. In all other cases, court decisions on transplants are needed. An evaluation process will be completed to determine if candidates can safely donate their liver.

Stages of liver transplant operation

  • Pre-operative care (consultations, lab and imaging studies are conducted during this period)
  • Transplant operation
  • Post-operative care
After surgery, patients undergo treatment with pharmaceutical agents. During this period, patients need to remain under close observation by a doctor. Before surgical treatment, patients’ clinical status and prognostic outcome are assessed thoroughly. The first successful transplant in Georgia was carried out in December 2014 at Batumi Referral Hospital. Since then, we have performed 17 living donor liver transplants. Our statistics for patient survival and post-surgical complications compare with the world’s leading transplant centers.

Pediatric Kidney Transplantation

The uronephrology department at M. Iashvili Children’s Central Hospital offers a new, innovative service – kidney transplantation. In modern medicine kidney transplantation represents the treatment of choice for end-stage kidney disease management. After successful transplantation the patient is no longer dependent on dialysis, quality of life improves and the normal rhythm of daily life can be resumed.


In addition, the hospital offers 24-hour high quality diagnostic services: blood biochemistry; bacteriology laboratory; renal ultrasound with colorized Doppler; biopsy of native kidney and allotransplant with ultrasound-Doppler control; various radiologic studies; and consultations with different specialists.


Uronephrology department provides a wide range of management options for various pathologies in renal and urinary excretory systems, both medical and surgical options; minimally invasive interventions with laparoscopy; renal replacement with hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

Adult Kidney Transplantation

The High Technology Medical Center at the University Clinic in Tbilisi carries out renal dialysis and kidney transplantation under the state program. The center prepares donor-recipient couples, performs surgical interventions and manages postoperative complications, including surgical and non-surgical complications and therapeutic management.
The clinic provides high-technology instrumental and laboratory investigations, and cooperates with different diagnostic centers which provide histomorphologic or other modern laboratory assessments (e.g.: HLA typing, donor-specific antibody study, etc.). The center has vast experience of managing post-transplant patients. It also has large potential for future development. The clinic is in partnership with the nephrology department at Ghent University Hospital (Belgium). In specific cases, the center consults with the partner clinic and builds the professional capacity of the staff.

Bone Marrow Transplantation

Bone marrow transplantation (also known as stem cell transplantation) involves harvesting healthy stem cells to replenish the bone marrow of the patient. The new stem cells take over the production of the blood cells.
In some circumstances, it may be possible to take your own bone marrow body (this is known as autologous transplantation) and also to take stem cells from related or unrelated donor.
Stages of The Transplant Process
  • A physical examination of patient and general state of health;
  • Stimulation and mobilization stem cells which be use at the process of transplantation;
  • Preparing the patient for the transplant (known as conditioning);
  • Transplanting the stem cells;
  • The recovery period, during which patient will be monitored for 100 days (in sterile room about 30 days) for any side effects and complications.
Why Bone Marrow Transplants Are Necessary?
Stem cell transplantations are often required to treat conditions that have damaged the bone marrow which, as a result, can no longer produce normal blood cells. Any disruption to the production of blood cells can be very serious:
  • Leukemia;
  • Lymphoma (HDL, HL);
  • Multiple myeloma (MM);
  • Hereditary blood disorders (thalassemia e.t.c);
  • Acquired blood disorders (SAA e.t.c);
  • Solid tumors;
  • Genetic disorder of metabolism.
Who Can Have A Bone Marrow Transplant?
  • Patient with complete remission;
  • Patient with partial remission;
  • The associated condition is not responding to other forms of treatment or it is felt that there is a high risk of the condition returning without a transplant;
  • Hereditary disorders disease progression if the patient has compatible donor.
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